►  About Anja2004:
Spontaneity is what I am.In the first moment we're still sitting on the couch and planning our next travel destination, in the next moment our suitcases are already packed and we're on our way.Just as in bed, we're still talking about spicy news that we want to try out, in the next mom we do it!
 ►  Erotic interests of Anja2004:
dominant, bondage, fetish, pee, oral sex, outdoor, porn, role playing, swallowing, voyeur
 ►  Description of Anja2004:
Age: 20 / Pisces
Aus: Berlin, Germany
Languages: German, English
Height / Body: 162cm normal
Gender: female
Preferences: heterosexual
Hair color: brown, long
Piercing: none
Bra size: 90 D
Complexion: white
Eye color: brown
Shave: fully shaved
Character: dominant, fair-minded, naughty, naive, prying
 ►  Hobbies of Anja2004:
Painting, cycling, traveling, dancing

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